Soorna Phoola Randai | Yam Flower Curry


- Surna phool / Yam flowers (They are seasonal and very rarely available during the start of rainy season)
- Small piece tamarind
- Coconut oil 2 tbl spoon
- 2 or 3 cloves
- 5 or 6 Black Pepper
- 1 tea spoon coriander seeds
- 1/4 tea spoon turmeric powder
- 1 Cup grated coconut
- 2-3 Red chillies
- 1 cup cooked toor daal
- Salt as per taste


- Cut the yam flowers into small pieces and cook them with a small piece of tamarind and salt.
- In a pan add 1 tbl spoon coconut oil, and roast the 5 to 6 black pepper, 2 or 3 cloves, 1 tea spoon coriander seeds for a minute.
- In a mixi jar add one cup grated coconut, roasted ingredients, 3 red chillies and little water and grind into paste/masala.
- Add this masala to the cooked yam flower and add a cup of toor daal. Adjust the salt as per taste and bring to a boil.

Special Tips:

Yam Flowers are seasonal and very rarely available during the start of rainy season